Browse by Tag: pigs

Origin of “Don’t Eat Like a Pig”

Perhaps with folks spending more time at home, eating even more meals together, the phrase, “Don’t Eat Like a Pig” has been repeated more often. There are many disparaging sayings that reference pigs, some I believe are unwarranted. And for years of raising pigs, I even thought this one was a bit overstated. Then came […]

Always Busy…

Or you could call it Mid-November chaos. First, breeding season for the pigs arrived. After a long summer vacation of grazing, fence edge clearing and lounging, the boys, Balto & Rin Tin Tin, were put back to work.  Fortunately, all the moving of pigs around the property happened before the snow came, though they don’t […]

Stark Choices

  I heard the news story noting concerns about the North Carolina pig farms a few days before Florence was scheduled to hit North Carolina.  Despite being well informed about water pollution from hog farms (my former housemate worked on Clean Water issues decades ago and shared loads of stories), my first thought was concerns […]

Introducing the Piglets

We are a bit behind on naming and introducing the first batch of piglets that were born at the farm on March 1st.  Fortunately, a young visiting writer & photographer prepared some profiles of each of Grizabella’s six piglets, her first litter. The naming scheme this year is Ski Areas, for this first litter the […]

Clean Food

We returned home from the BioNutrient Food Association’s Soil and Nutrition Conference spinning with ideas and very optimistic. As if to egg us on, Laura clicked on a NYT op ed by Jacques Leslie entitled Soil Power! The Dirty Way to a Clean Planet. Quoting Dr. Rattan Lal, it read “Putting carbon back in the […]

Paw Patrol winning Hearts

Yes, famous dogs and cats is our naming scheme this year and Paw Patrol was suggested by our niece while at Auntie Camp this summer.  (Of course we thought she was saying “Papa Troll” and kept asking if there was a dog involved). Anyway,  the group of 10 piglets we bought from Hogwash Farm this […]

In Praise of Tamworths

We had some snowy arrivals this week. It seems both goats & pigs were waiting until the wintery snow came back to bring their little ones into the world.  Perhaps they are winter lovers, perhaps calming the world was help, perhaps that barometric pressure change…or just luck.  But the birthing has begun, with more to […]

Ode to January

Oh, January how I love thee.  A brand new year and the demands of the growing season seem so far away!  So many possibilities for house projects, cooking experiments, rest, relaxation..oh and of course that backlog of important personal, administrative, and planning projects that have been pushed aside for more urgent demands.  Oh, how I […]

Goodbyes are Rarely Easy

Goodbyes are rarely easy in life and on the farm is no different.  Unexpected ones are usually the worst. This week the farm had one of those, as one of our sows somehow developed a gastric ulcer and died on Sunday.       Jemima Puddle Duck, of Beatrix Potter fame, was a lovely Tamworth […]

Comings and Goings

Somehow it often seems that departures are matched with some arrivals on our farm.  Perhaps it is because in all seasons a diversified farm has many moving parts or perhaps it is just a natural balance of the cycle of life. Five tamworth piglets arrived with the Whalens from Vermont Heritage Farm on Sunday afternoon […]