Paw Patrol winning Hearts

Yes, famous dogs and cats is our naming scheme this year and Paw Patrol was suggested by our niece while at Auntie Camp this summer.  (Of course we thought she was saying “Papa Troll” and kept asking if there was a dog involved).

Anyway,  the group of 10 piglets we bought from Hogwash Farm this summer, who are mostly the Large Black heritage breed,  got named the Paw Patrol.  We are not sure about the hard working dogs in the Paw Patrol books, but these beasts are earnest, sweet and REALLY love their veggies whether grazing grass or crop treats, in addition to belly rubs. And they have these ridiculously cute ears.

Their last pasture spot offered a dramatic view of their black color against the deep green grass and them high up on the hill grazing daily, it was a color and joy feast for this end of the grazing season.  Here we share a little of the joy we get on a daily basis while these Paws (or hooves) are patrolling the farm.