posts that we want to archive so we have them but don’t need to be viewable currently

Comings and Goings

Somehow it often seems that departures are matched with some arrivals on our farm.  Perhaps it is because in all seasons a diversified farm has many moving parts or perhaps it is just a natural balance of the cycle of life. Five tamworth piglets arrived with the Whalens from Vermont Heritage Farm on Sunday afternoon […]

Nov 3rd: Roots Music and Farm Taco Dinner

RED TAIL RING BRINGS ROOTS & TRADITIONAL MUSIC TO THE GREEN MOUNTAIN GIRLS FARM   Sunday, November 3rd,  we will host an evening of music from Americana roots duo Red Tail Ring. Laurel Premo and Michael Beauchamp of Red Tail Ring share a raw blend of original compositions and interpretations of old ballads and dance tunes from Appalachia, including […]

Tip of the Iceberg

Attending Agritourism, Education & Economics on your farm forum at Shelburne Farms has proven stimulating.  Not only drinking in the view of expanses of pasture dotted with Brown Swiss cows grazing with the lake behind them, framed by the Adirondack Mountains.  But also giving us an opportunity to gather with colleagues and tour farms like Bread […]


Some say the secret to a great dish is in the sauce. Those who study nutrient density say it’s in the soil. We know the secret is in the farming, in nurturing relationships — with our neighbors and natural systems, between our animals and our customers. This week the magic was once again in collaborating […]

Seasons and Slow Food: It’s a Blur!

Summery winds and harvest of 55 pounds of beans and 48 pounds of cucumbers make it even more unbelievable that it is October! While we sweat, mess around with irrigating amidst this dry spell and worry about bitty winter greens bolting, John, Laura’s Dad, and the geese head south. They are wise knowing this lovely […]

Heavenly, Hyper-local and perhaps even Highfalutin’!

This Sunday, Noon to 3pm in Brookfield This June Chef Lee Duberman of Ariel’sRestaurant added Cornmeal Manchego cheese waffles with Spring Vegetable Ragout, crispy leeks and Romesco sauce to her menu. They’ve been such a hit she’s taking an iteration of these savory Belgian style waffles to the Brookfield Old Town Hall this Sunday from noon until 3pm. […]

Techqua Ikachi: Blending with the Land and Celebrating Life

From Green Mountain Girls Farm on this a rainy second week of June, here at the end of spring and the beginning of summer, I offer you good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night (or whatever time of day you happen to be reading this).  My name is Andrew and I’m the crop […]

New Arrivals!

It has been a busy week of arrivals! From Green Mountain Heritage Farm we picked up the newest Green Mountain Girls  –  three piglets that will be our new breeding stock.  They are only 6 weeks old now, cuteas buttons, but will become our future sows!  They are in the upper barn but about to […]

Inside the Scramble of Restoration Agriculture

“What is that in Hop’s Mouth?” After developing a reputation for being a bit soft and trying to sneak into the farmhouse at every opportunity, Hop earned her keep this week by killing what we think is a young weasel or ermine. It is in the freezer so our neighbors Rodney and Theresa Elmer of […]

Maples: Strength and Resilience

The Veg and Berry Listserve feeds us reports from around the state about a cloudier and cooler March. Blogs from these hills echo the Eye on the Sky boys’ observations about the mid-winter feel of this April week. Thus our Spring starts have needed a bit more time than usual. Andrew has rolled with the […]