posts that we want to archive so we have them but don’t need to be viewable currently

Goodbyes are Rarely Easy

Goodbyes are rarely easy in life and on the farm is no different.  Unexpected ones are usually the worst. This week the farm had one of those, as one of our sows somehow developed a gastric ulcer and died on Sunday.       Jemima Puddle Duck, of Beatrix Potter fame, was a lovely Tamworth […]

Dry to Wet

The season has turned from too dry to good and wet! The heirloom tomatoes are growing like crazy and have had their first pruning. A large kale harvest has made way for sweet potatoes. The goats are moving through grass quickly and the 24 piglets, still unnamed have taken on that half tank and half […]

Celebrating Community & the Floating Bridge

The Floating Bridge is a notable landmark and a special gathering spot.  So special that it is the namesake for our cooperative of local businesses that offer people the opportunity to experience small farm living, locally raised farm products, and the seasonal beauty of Central Vermont’s working agricultural landscape, the Floating Bridge Food & Farms Cooperative. […]

Farm Talents

Three new talented individuals are joining our team as the Spring flurry approaches. What would an orientation week in Spring be if we didn’t do some team bonding by cherviling? (More on that in coming weeks!).  Here is a bit on the new farmers we are excited to have on the team. Soliz Mayer grew […]


The sun is getting so much stronger and days longer… but darn some of the days and lots of the nights have been severely cold! We’ve got some wonderfully bouncy and big goat kids but their early hours have required much more of us than usual. Lots of hypothermia bucket baths and blow dries and […]

Comings and Goings at the Farm

This week has been busy! Lots of hellos and a few goodbyes. In the midst of kidding, we had a quick sendoff for Andrew, who wrapped up two years of working with us, tending the vegetable crops.  Andrew has some of the fastest hands in the East when it comes to onion harvests and is […]

Learning as We Go

Happy New Year! We appreciate the rituals of reflection and goal setting that often accompany the calendar reset and resolve to keep using this weekly format of stories from the farm to keep you, our farm community, connected with this place, this wild experiment in mundane acts of growing food that is good for you […]

Farmer Emeritus Proclamations

Proclamation: Penelope Hobbs,  Farmer Emeritus Green Mountain Girls Farm     Whereas you came to us just after graduation with all the zeal and devotion to the furtherance of our farm and agriculture, carrying in daily life the Alpha Zeta community’s emphasis on scholarship, character, fellowship and service. And whereas you fit right in here, […]

All Hands on Deck!

Andrew started his Monday morning by revving up the 29 horses! He and the orange Kubota circled out to various fields with various implements, clipping the grasses and weeds on the edge of gardens… all have kept fast growth through August, coaxed on by nice rains and plenty of sunshine. Later it was the potato […]

Pick a Picnic!

Do you remember a favorite picnic? Was it a date? Or with elders? On your way someplace or a destination in itself? Outdoor concerts have done their part to make sure picnics don’t become a lost art. But let’s face it, some of the same tugs and pushes of modern life that trend us away […]