Author Archives: Laura

Smokey Braised Mexican Pumpkin

Pumpkin isn’t just for pies!  If you want to bridge summer and fall cooking with the last of the fresh tomatoes & peppers but adding some lovely pumpkin to your tacos…here you go.  We made this as a vegetarian option for taco night, but I bet with a little pork, perhaps some pork jowl, it’d […]

At the Farmstand: October 13-19

More fresh chicken this week, both stewing hens and some big Roasting Chickens (at 6-7 lbs, we affectionately call them Churkeys). This may well be the last week for those summer veggies that are holding on in our hoophouse – tomatoes, peppers and summer squash, but maybe there will be some next week, but the […]

Ode to Fall Veggies

I must admit, I am such a four season gal.  As each new season shows its colors, scents and weather, my spirits brighten.  There is so much hope at the beginning of each season – hope for things either not achieved or not achievable in the season that is ending.  Fall is no different for me. […]

At the Farmstand: October 6-12

Oh October, how we love thee.  Crisp days and it is time for the delightful fall veggies, yet the greens and a few summer veggies linger on to mix together!   We are now stocked with our Delicata Squash, potatoes, broccoli, spinach and other veggies and thanks to Spotted Dog Farm we have a variety of […]

Cabrito (Goat) Tacos

This was super popular at our first Taco Night and with fresh salsa season coming to an end, we have been having ALL sorts of tacos. Below is the recipe for the Cabrito or Goat Tacos, add to that some of our hot sauce, fresh salsa, spinach, onions and/braised chard..yum!  Perhaps make a whole taco […]

Bring on the Fall Colors

                    Fall is officially here as is fall foliage.  Our favorite part of the foliage season is when the vibrant reds, yellows and oranges are amidst a backdrop of deep greens.  We have gotten to experience this beyond the trees this week, the same color schemes […]

At the Farmstand: September 29 – Oct 5

Fall here we come in full splendor!  Yet, this warm September leaves us still with some of the delights of summer.  Enjoy the tomatoes and peppers while they last as their days are numbered, oh but there are also gorgeous heads of broccoli, spinach & Potatoes!  FRESH Chicken at the farmstand Fri-Mon! This week at […]

Getting Turkeys to Boston…or not

Abundant harvests of this warm early fall are bringing glorious orange, reds, yellows and greens to the farmstand, foreshadowing Vermont’s famous foliage! Remembering that vibrancy and intensity of color, like taste, are indicators of nutrient density, we are thrilled not only to offer these delicacies to our community but also to have such spectacular indicators […]

At the Farmstand: September 10-20

Oh September, how we love thee….best of summer veggies, yet the hope for fall too, including a restocking of our Bone Broth, all the goodness of pasture-raised meats in a broth!  It does mean so many choices about fresh local food..and then which pasture-raised meats to pair them with..hmmm! This week at our Farmstand you can […]

At the Farmstand: September 1-7

Welcome September!  It does mean so many choices about fresh local food..and then which pasture-raised meats to pair them with..hmmm!  Perhaps some Fresh Turkey! If you want to take a fresh one and cut it for your own parts, we have them available and here is a great video tutorial on chicken cutting we did […]