Browse by Tag: pumpkin

Stuffed Pumpkin

This was our favorite discovery a few years ago…yes our friends and family ALL got to see it at any occasion we could think of while the Winter Luxury Pumpkins lasted. Yes, it is that good and that easy! We meant to try it with a Long Pie pumpkin as well, going more boat shaped, […]

Caramel Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie

– adapted by one of our favorite farm cooks, Donna Farley, from Fat Toad Farm’s Recipe Ingredients 15 oz pumpkin, squash or sweet potato puree (see below) 8 oz Fat Toad Farm Caramel – I use Vermont Maple flavour, FTF recommends Salted Bourbon or Original 2 eggs 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 2 tablespoons molasses 2 tablespoons […]

Pumpkin & Bacon Soup

Pumpkins…so many options from pie to pancakes/waffles and biscuits to soup.  This recipe is from one of our favorite books, Jennifer McLagan’s Fat: Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient We have two heirloom pumpkin varities this year that vie for best cooking pumpkin status: Winter Luxury (gorgeous with flesh that is smooth, sweet, and fiber-free) & […]

Pumpkin Soufflé

  Fancy appearance, yet really easy.  And a fun, light treat.  They are pitched as dessert, but they are so light they could be anytime.  Or you could go purely savory with a carrot soufflé. (And use the entire egg!)   1.5 cups pumpkin purée (or squash purée) 1/4 cup maple syrup 1 tsp each of […]

Smokey Braised Mexican Pumpkin

Pumpkin isn’t just for pies!  If you want to bridge summer and fall cooking with the last of the fresh tomatoes & peppers but adding some lovely pumpkin to your tacos…here you go.  We made this as a vegetarian option for taco night, but I bet with a little pork, perhaps some pork jowl, it’d […]

Pumpkin Chocolate Truffles

With holiday parties coming up, I set out to adapt my truffle recipe to use some of the ingredients we grow on the farm – after some experimentation, the result is delicious! One batch makes about 40 truffles, which sounds like a lot until you start eating them. -Penelope Ingredients 1 Cup pumpkin, roasted and […]

Pumpkin Chorizo Lasagna

This recipe comes from a good friend of mine.  As long as I’ve known her, she’s had that god-given culinary instinct–she can throw seemingly random ingredients together, perform some alchemy in the skillet, and voila! Delicious dishes 24/7. She pulled this twist on the classic lasagna for the first time a few years ago, and […]

Squash Cornbread

Many folks asked for this recipe at Friday’s soup supper.  Liva was the cornbread maker and she is off to a 2 day conference with other Vermont Farmers about Hoophouse growing so I am substituting this recipe from the Victory Garden Cookbook which Jane Doerfer, of Brookfield’s Green Trails Inn, was a co-author.   I believe this was […]