Browse by Tag: farmwork

Swarms in the Making

As last week’s newsletter indicated, it is chervil season. Unfortunately this intimidating invasive plant (See the Vermont website for an overview), is marching toward early flowering and seeding — on the same timeline as planting out annual vegetables, getting animals out on pasture, amending the orchards, etc. So if anyone wants an excuse to […]

Above and Beyond

While our snowfalls haven’t been worthy of news, the farm is a winter wonderland. The deep snowpack has a lovely layer of powder on top. Persistent cold temps have made extra hay and straw bedding necessary. (Working digestive tracks are the ruminants’ internal furnaces). Who remembers the scene in the Laura Ingalls Wilder book (not […]

Weasel Understands Loving What is Plentiful

“This could be our revolution,” writes Alice Walker, “to love what is plentiful as much as what is scarce.” Walker’s poem We Alone could be useful in light of the fact that due to vacillating temperatures and other factors three successions of head lettuce plantings have matured at the same time! We’ve been grating and […]

2013: A Big Year on a Small Farm

Now that winter has come in earnest we have had some time to look back at the year. There were a lot of surprises, both good and bad, some bumper crops and some crop failures. We met a lot of new teammates and customers and said goodbye to others. 365 sunrises, 365 sunsets later we […]

Growing Something Bigger

It’s been a busy few weeks on the farm. In the fields and pastures we’ve been wrapping up the season and transitioning to winter and while the number of moving pieces is decreasing, each one is becoming more challenging. At the same time we’ve had a lot of other things going on; the first indoor […]

Thank You Anna!

 Farmer Emeritus & forever a Green Mountain Girl!    Congratulations Anna — Farmer Emeritus & forever a Green Mountain Girl! Whereas you are now off to work with “indoor people”, you’ve seen this farm and cared for flocks and field in every season. You apprenticed with abandon, returned for a second season and returned again […]

Predators Strike!

We struggle to keep our animals comfortable and thriving. They grow well. It is humane and just. But every once in a while our systems and efforts fail and the safety of our livestock is breached, to serve the comfort and thriving populations of wild animals who neighbor and share the farm. Sunday chores for […]

The Farm in Numbers

It is August, which means it is a busy time on the farm. Just this week, the 5 farmers (and a few helpers): Harvested over 659 lbs of Green Beans, Broccoli, Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Cucumbers, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets and ……many other bits! Blanched, Packaged & Froze 79 lbs of Green Beans and Broccoli Canned 39 […]

Window Seat Reservation!

For Laura it started like this: She and Lauren were in the market pig paddock reviewing morning care procedures. Phone rings. Voice rings with equal clarity, “I’m okay but I need help”. Then Laura repeats out loud hoping Lauren will help her make note, “Grain. Eggs. Those scraps of plywood. Screws. Drill.” “Somewhere between Exit […]

Celebrating talent that springs from this soil

Tender morsels of wisdom and assistance have come from seasoned neighbors and community members throughout our startup. Thanks. And we need more — so please keep the good advice and feedback coming! This week’s newspaper insert celebrating UVM Extension’s Centennial, uses our farm as an illustrative example of Vermont’s Next Generation of Growers. And we […]