Browse by Tag: sows

Clean Food

We returned home from the BioNutrient Food Association’s Soil and Nutrition Conference spinning with ideas and very optimistic. As if to egg us on, Laura clicked on a NYT op ed by Jacques Leslie entitled Soil Power! The Dirty Way to a Clean Planet. Quoting Dr. Rattan Lal, it read “Putting carbon back in the […]

Pics and Gratitude of the Week

Safe to say a week with 50 degrees and raining as well as 90 degrees and blazing takes its toll on farmers and all that we tend.  That said, we have weathered it decently and are thrilled with the change in temps.  We share with you a few moments (in images & videos) that boosted […]

Green, a popular color

This week, farm life, is brought to you by the color green. Granted we can’t really see any green in our outside fields yet…just the very first hint where the snow has melted.  And of course where the first chervil plants are poking is that time of year! But we are flush with green […]

Spinach, how we love thee

This week has been all about Spinach! Harvesting, Eating, Processing, Planting more and even new recipe testing, Thanks Donna!   The Sows and Hens even got in on the action as we cleared a few beds and gave them the plant remnants and roots, a little iron & folic acid boost for those pregnant sows, and one […]

Beets for All Beings!

  As many of you know, it was a particularly good beet year for the farm.  They grew well, are delicious, and some grew quite large (1.5 lbs plus!) but stayed tasty.  Well, this week we finally got around to processing some of these lovely beets to add some variety to the farmstand.     […]

Spam, Sperm and feedback loops

Seth Godin, a vibrant thinker on marketing, says that if your e-newsletter would not be missed by members of your audience, then it is spam! What do you appreciate about what we share weekly with you from our farm? What would you miss if it went away? What do you want more of? As we […]