Green, a popular color

Arugula bed

This week, farm life, is brought to you by the color green.

Granted we can’t really see any green in our outside fields yet…just the very first hint where the snow has melted.  And of course where the first chervil plants are poking is that time of year!

But we are flush with green in the hoophouses, farm room and even in the barn…oh and of course in the farmstand!   All beings are LOVING it. Green is by far the most popular color of the week, in all is shades.







Pureeing deep green spinach and our frozen broccoli for a delightful Spinach -Broccoli soup. 

pureeing spinach Spinach broccoli soup






Salads, Salads, Salads…..

spicy salad greens spring salad mix greens farmstand











And the Sows and hens got in on the green.  

Seemingly delighted in the everything that has been cleared from the hoophouses from kale stems to this nice batch of Arugula stems and marred leaves. The hens even started pooping green….(perhaps too much information?)

video image sows eating greens











And soon… our hills will start to green up too.  Until then this vibrance comes to us in a few other ways.  Enjoy!