Kids, kids, kids….at least it seems that way, nothing compared to our friends at Fat Toad Farm who have had 46 does kid! When you come to shop at the farm, do come meet the kids and until then, here is a preview…youngest to oldest. Based on this past week’s deliveries, our new Boer Buck […]
Welcome to Andrew
March 13, 2013 – 10:41 am
So while we have been caught up in new goat kids and naming themes, we have another new being at the farm. Andrew Stowe has joined our team to take over managing vegetable production as Liva prepares to head off and manage a baby. We are thrilled to have Andrew join our team, bringing enthusiasm experience, […]
Unexpected Goodbyes
March 10, 2013 – 11:05 am
We have had a few unexpected goodbyes this week, both somewhat anticipated for some point this year, but not as quickly as they happened. Gellert, perhaps the most memorable animal on the farm, traveled in yesterday’s snow to the Royal Butcher. He had gotten too big to breed our sows, his feet have never been […]
Vulnerability and Viability
November 28, 2012 – 10:04 am
Brené Brown suggests courage is born out of vulnerability, not strength. She goes on to say the original definition of courage is “to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.” Her findings on shame and “wholeheartedness” are inspiring millions. This week Scrag Mountain Music will once again grace our barn with international caliber music. Mary […]
A Night of Kinship
October 23, 2012 – 5:34 pm
What a weekend the farm had! We welcomed old friends to feast and fill our barn with song, and greeted new faces for farm tours, cider pressing, and roast goat. A rainbow arched over the farm as folks headed in for the harvest supper, and a group of my friends joked, “they have rainbows here […]
Beets, Bucks & Buses
October 3, 2012 – 7:44 pm
It seems that this week the farm was sponsored by the letter B. Root vegetable harvesting has been notable and a very large Beet harvest was a part of that.Chioggia Beets (yes the stripey ones) and Dark Red Beets and lots of them. The team washed, sorted, dried and bagged them all for your […]
We Eat Local because We Can!
August 22, 2012 – 10:15 pm
As steam rises from the canning pots a satisfying assemblage of jars fills the counter. Like other endurance sports, canning is a bit addictive. And in late August the canning pots, like farmers, get little rest. Batches are getting bigger and we are getting faster. A few days into canning season we’ve already preserved 20 […]
Greens and Valore Galore
May 30, 2012 – 12:57 pm
Déjà vu. The radar showed purple, Northfield Farmers Market was cancelled and the radio alerts brought us back to a year ago when we retreated to the basement during tornado warnings. No hail this time for us but the rage of these storms is sobering. The Cornish Cross chicks (a.k.a. the Adirondacks) became soaked and […]
We are Baroque!
April 25, 2012 – 9:21 am
If Mari said this to her dear Dad who is hard of hearing he would say “That is what I have beenworried would happen all along”. Our realization came however, not from looking at our books. It came as Neighbors, Northfielders and Monpelierites joined us Friday evening for a delightfully sunny farm supper and the […]
Art, Nature and Farmer Emeriti Gossip
March 28, 2012 – 11:06 am
Vincent van Gogh apparently said “Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art and more.” As the crowd delighted in the great acts and delicious food (thanks Lee) at the Compost Cabaret – true mastery, I marveled that the inverse must also be true. So much energy and talent […]