Browse by Tag: staff

Gratitude & Hope for a Regenerative Future

Gratitude is a piece of our Regenerative Farming and there is SO much to be grateful for despite the challenges the world faces. A blessing of seasonal shifts, holiday seasons and winter breaks is they pull us back to those basics and the awe provided by nature. As we finish packing Thanksgiving and stock-up orders […]

Seasonal Transitions

Whereas nature is dancing toward the quiet tones of late fall and winter, our hoop houses harbor stockpile of greens to keep all our plates full of fresh green vibrancy. And our various storage systems enable us to tuck in the full color spectrum (marinara, pumpkins, squash, tomatillo sauce, pickles, currants, elderberries), squirreling it away […]

Finding Gratitude

Gratitude is a renewable resource and there is SO much to be grateful for, but it is often difficult to hold ourselves in that space. A blessing of this holiday season, is that it tends to pull us all back to those basics. As we finish matching our pastured turkeys with the folks they’ll feed […]

Farming at all Ages

This week we took on farm tasks with teams of nearly all ages or at least from 4 to 75! Berry picking with the nimble fingers of youngsters (true more berries were immediately consumed than saved, but the speed was impressive), harvesting garlic with our aunt who has her own tiny ag venture in Connecticut, […]

Ode to Winter Greens

                Sometimes (OK, often), December and the holidays appear out of nowhere.  Wasn’t it just early fall so recently, yet now it feels like winter has really set in and is here for keeps.  So it is this week.               Snow covers […]

Farm Talents

Three new talented individuals are joining our team as the Spring flurry approaches. What would an orientation week in Spring be if we didn’t do some team bonding by cherviling? (More on that in coming weeks!).  Here is a bit on the new farmers we are excited to have on the team. Soliz Mayer grew […]

Giving Thanks…

We love our turkeys. And this year’s group came to us amidst the weasel troubles. We bonded more than normal via extra nightly visits, timed to be there at just the right light to close them all in the horse trailer and early morning releases onto their pasture. As a result they are even more […]

Rainy Days and Roots

Really it was rainy day prep with livestock moves — when farmers hear Nor’easter, we pay attention.  Wet, cold and windy….not the best for our pastured livestock, especially tough on the goats, but we have made sure they all have good shelter, plenty of hay as a buffer and thanks to harvest and gleaning they are […]

Farmer Emeritus Proclamations

Proclamation: Penelope Hobbs,  Farmer Emeritus Green Mountain Girls Farm     Whereas you came to us just after graduation with all the zeal and devotion to the furtherance of our farm and agriculture, carrying in daily life the Alpha Zeta community’s emphasis on scholarship, character, fellowship and service. And whereas you fit right in here, […]

New Arrivals!

It has been a busy week of arrivals! From Green Mountain Heritage Farm we picked up the newest Green Mountain Girls  –  three piglets that will be our new breeding stock.  They are only 6 weeks old now, cuteas buttons, but will become our future sows!  They are in the upper barn but about to […]