Gratitude is a piece of our Regenerative Farming and there is SO much to be grateful for despite the challenges the world faces. A blessing of seasonal shifts, holiday seasons and winter breaks is they pull us back to those basics and the awe provided by nature. As we finish packing Thanksgiving and stock-up orders […]
Browse by Tag: staff
Seasonal Transitions
October 12, 2020 – 9:28 am
Whereas nature is dancing toward the quiet tones of late fall and winter, our hoop houses harbor stockpile of greens to keep all our plates full of fresh green vibrancy. And our various storage systems enable us to tuck in the full color spectrum (marinara, pumpkins, squash, tomatillo sauce, pickles, currants, elderberries), squirreling it away […]
Ode to Winter Greens
December 8, 2016 – 10:36 am
Farm Talents
April 30, 2015 – 6:30 am
Three new talented individuals are joining our team as the Spring flurry approaches. What would an orientation week in Spring be if we didn’t do some team bonding by cherviling? (More on that in coming weeks!). Here is a bit on the new farmers we are excited to have on the team. Soliz Mayer grew […]
Farmer Emeritus Proclamations
October 15, 2014 – 3:58 pm
Proclamation: Penelope Hobbs, Farmer Emeritus Green Mountain Girls Farm Whereas you came to us just after graduation with all the zeal and devotion to the furtherance of our farm and agriculture, carrying in daily life the Alpha Zeta community’s emphasis on scholarship, character, fellowship and service. And whereas you fit right in here, […]
New Arrivals!
June 6, 2013 – 7:40 am