Garlic Scape Dressing

It is salad season and we have so many different options of greens to use as the base.  So here is a seasonal dressing to keep some variety in your salads.  Garlic scapes are only around for a few weeks so take advantage.


at least 4 Garlic Scapes (but more is better, especially if you add dairy)

1 small fresh onion or scallion

1/2 cup vinegar — something nice, like a local apple cider or even better Artesano’s honey-wine vinegar

1 T  honey (or maple syrup)

1 teaspoon mustard

1 T (or so) fresh or frozen ginger (optional)

1/2 cup Olive oil or sunflower oil

salt & pepper

Put scapes and onion in a small food processor and pulse to chop fine or puree.  Add ginger, vinegar, honey, mustard, salt & pepper.   Pulse to combine.  Add a bit of the olive oil and pulse (or shake if you’ve hand chopped scapes) till starting to emulsify.  Then add rest of olive oil and pulse or shake.

Taste and adjust vinegar, olive oil, & salt to taste.   I like my dressing on the tarter side so I tend to go roughly equal on vinegar and olive oil, so adjust to your preference. Going that direction I often need to add a smidge more honey or syrup to balance the vinegar.

You can also add buttermilk, yogurt or feta to make it a creamier dressing.

Farm dressing with a little help from our friends