I Eat Local Because I Can…


Food preservation is underway in earnest and with a colorful splash this week.










Some things to look forward to this fall and winter include a gorgeous chunky Giardinara, Dilly beans, of course, Crushed Tomatoes, various plum sauces and a new Vermont Bread & Butter Pickle!  Soups and bloody mary mix are soon on the docket at well!


It is both a joyous time — the colors, smells and satisfaction of seeing the pantry items stock up; and an exhausting one as yet another 30 lb crate of veggies come in seeking a transformation into something for the winter.









We try to embrace the abundance without being buried by it, with an emphasis on try.


Laughter helps as does stopping to enjoy a great meal with that abundance.  It is time for fresh salsa, fresh most everything, which we savor and are truly thankful for the delicious, nutrition that we all feel good about how it was raised.

Good luck with your own freezing, canning and fresh eating!








And…for anyone with canning jars lingering around your pantry, mudroom or basement, do return them to the farmstand so we can fill them back up with this season’s bounty!