Flannel Friday & Cider Monday

Over the river and through the woods… Thanksgiving feasts took many of us to loved ones and in this busy blur of modern life just having time to be together is a special treat. We loved seeing some of the season’s best go off to your feasts, especially those birds.

Our Thanksgiving market was lively and fun, with the best part for us seeing Liz and Roy, who later was inspired by the farm’s natural turkey to create this very lovely and punchy piece!

Roys turkey card

This warm piece gets at the heart of it all. Whether naturalized or authentic, connecting with each other creates a glow. Vermont has taken black Friday and cozified it to flannel and made cyber Monday sweeter and refocused to local purchasing. Mark your calendars for fun at the farm in mid-December as we are hosting the Floating Bridge Food and Farm Cooperative’s Holiday Market. Soon after we will be barn raising – stay tuned!

Until then we, including Uno, will carry on chopping wood, carrying water and with that Zen-like art of snow removal!

uno sledding