Browse by Tag: goats

The End of an Era

No, we aren’t talking about the Obamas (though a deep gratitude for their leadership and grace), but the end of another era here at the farm.  Perhaps a team nearly as famous, our first herd of goats and the queens of that herd, Ingrid Bergman and Grace Kelly.               […]

Too Cold, Too Sad, but Warm Reflections

We’ve been concerned for all the havoc the super cold temperatures are causing for people but it is exciting to hear that the coldest of our temperatures are reportedly setting  back advances of threats like the emerald ash borer. We’ve been paying attention to the cold, emptying certain faucets and water lines at night, celebrating sick days […]

Goodbye Boris. The End of an Era

We had hoped to write this farewell as a retirement note, with a tone of sadness to see him leave our farm, but joy in knowing that he was going to keep grazing and wooing the girls.  Where he would retire to an even smaller farm where he could keep some nice does in milk […]

Comings and Goings

Somehow it often seems that departures are matched with some arrivals on our farm.  Perhaps it is because in all seasons a diversified farm has many moving parts or perhaps it is just a natural balance of the cycle of life. Five tamworth piglets arrived with the Whalens from Vermont Heritage Farm on Sunday afternoon […]

Beets, Bucks & Buses

It seems that this week the farm was sponsored by the letter B.   Root vegetable harvesting has been notable and a very large Beet harvest was a part of that.Chioggia Beets (yes the stripey ones) and Dark Red Beets and lots of them.  The team washed, sorted, dried and bagged them all for your […]

More Snow and more kids

We rely on the Eye On the Sky boys. In fact we are weather junkies. Cross any farmer with a former ski racer & coach (choose the right wax!) and you are likely to wind up with this breed. But as we managed for last weekend’s storm we were focused on drainage for the rain […]

Cycle of Life

Mubarak As often seems to happen on our farm, just as we say goodbye to one set of animals, we are welcoming in another.  Young Moon, led off the kidding season this week, delivering one buckling on a very cold President’s Day Morning.  They are doing well, though the cold day and night temperatures did […]

Goats, Troublesome Goats

Our ruminants have been a major focus on the farm. The goats seem to love Carrie, or at least her ax-wielding skills. We have been taking down some poplar (mostly) trees and letting the goats enjoy and defoliate them as part of opening up some paths and pasture expansion. Boris is now courting our various […]

Kids and MORE Goat kids

Six have delivered so far. Two more to go this month and then Jenga and Martha will deliver this summer. Ingrid led the 2nd wave of births with two, a male and female. The female has the cutest little tiny ears, typical of La Mancha goats. Grace was the next to deliver. Mari did the […]

Kids and more kids

3 Goats have kidded, 3 days in a row. It was quite a holiday weekend. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. Molly, Betsy & Sophia did a great job and didn’t seem to mind the crowd that gathered to witness the births. What a learning opportunity for young and old. They seem to have taken a few […]