Browse by Tag: fall

Welcome Fall!

The arrival of each season is generally greeted warmly by these farmers.  Each one offers its own excitement and treasures and downfalls.  With Autumn’s official arrival, I celebrate the cooler, clear days being able to work outside and fully enjoy the temperature! The fall sun feels so good! One of the special attributes that makes the […]

Changing Season, Changing Mentalities

Wet, windy, 50 degree days are very different from their dry, sunny counterparts. Though the temperatures haven’t changed much, over the past few days the farm has seen the first of its transitions into the cold season. This is one place where our systems have an opportunity to shine. Our careful pasture management means our […]

Enjoying Fall’s Beauty

Along with the rest of Vermont, we have been enjoying fall in all its glory this week both on our farm and others.  It has been joyous to watch the littlest pigs really start to play and explore running up and down the hill, around the rock, following our sows and starting to adventure on […]