Browse by Tag: coronavirus

Shopping Details for April 2-3

In these unprecedented times, we continue to be buoyed by the incredible words and actions of support from all of you as well as the increased interest in local food. We are working to improve our order and delivery system as it looks like it will need to be in place for several months. Below […]

New Shopping How-tos

In these unprecedented times, we are buoyed by both the incredible words and actions of support from all of you as well as the increased interest in local food. While we know we have the much easier and safer job producing and delivering food from a small regenerative farm compared to all of the healthcare […]

Providing and Nourishing while we all #Flattenthecurve

Our farm community is small and a beautiful result is that when we write this note we see YOUR face! It brings us so much joy and wholeness to provision folks whose nourishment goals are known to us. Your stories help shape and reinforce our practices. Simultaneously we appreciate your solidarity with our farm and […]