Seasonal Transitions

Digging sweet potatoes and getting winter greens simultaneously

Yes, that is the nice tidy phrase for lots of work on our farm! September was generously sunny and warm, making some of the work a bit easier, but still long, hard and did we mention heavy! And October has brought all sorts of weather (though no snow yet!).

We have been plugging away to bring in storage crops that will feed us all well through the fall and winter and transition our hoophouses from their summer diverse glory to winter greens. The timing gets tough this time of year as we want to let one set of crops finish, but the days are getting shorter and those greens need to grow!

Darienne has been diligently transitioning beds over the past 8 weeks a little at a time, but in the past month the wholesale changes have come!

Here are some images from that hefty early fall work from our great team!

And another major transition has been Farmer Christina left to have her baby Finley, and is now back! Phew, talk about hard work. (And no wonder we’ve missed a few newsletters!) Here is an image of his first visit to the farm, yes he is adorable and some of our potatoes are large!