New Farmer Lunch favorite… Not broccoli as your topping, though you could add it there too, but rather broccoli as the main ingredient in the crust. Sam was inspired after harvesting 74 lbs of broccoli. It was tasty and easy to make. Next up will be trying the same concept with greens! Here is what […]
Browse by Tag: pizza
Golden Tomato Pizza with Pesto & Kale
October 1, 2014 – 3:41 pm
Time for a last “summer” pizza! from Cooking Close to Home by Diane Imrie & Richard Jarmusz, a great cookbook for all eating local in Vermont! Pizza Dough (they have a great Maple Whole Wheat dough recipe) 3 Tablespoons Basil Pesto 1 T Olive Oil 1 T chopped Garlic 3 cups roughly chopped Kale 3/4 cup cherry tomatoes, […]