Browse by Tag: agritourism

Colors & Tastes Abound

Fall Colors are gracing us all about..Not only the trees, which are beautiful, but the fall veggies, summer veggies that just won’t stop & cover crops & field flowers too! Tuesday, October 1st will be our last time at the outdoor Summer Northfield Farmers Market! We’ll have lovely meats, fall veggies — including TOMATOES!!– and […]

Open Farm Week & Turkey Orders!

Yes, it is the beginning of August and Summer Farm Fresh eating is in Full Swing! August also means…Open Farm Week AND Fresh Turkeys! Turkey Reservations & Workshops It may be August, but it IS TIME to order your pasture-raised TURKEY! Not only time to order it, but time to pick it up fresh. Turkeys […]

Growing Season Comes on FAST!

Holy Moly….it seems one is waiting for the pasture grasses to be ready for livestock and then before you know it, hay is being cut, the grass is above your waist and it is full on SUMMER! We’ve had some VERY busy weeks, so busy, our next visit to the Northfield Farmers Market is already […]

#Totality Cute: Meet the Baby Lambs

On this celestially focused weekend, why not get grounded with a farm experience? Our baby lambs will warm up your wow muscles. And our regenivore brunch/lunch will nourish you and round out your learning adventure. Our Farmstand will also be open during this event! Sunday, April 7th 11am – 2 pm Tickets Available Here Small […]

Cultivating Gratitude

This is time of year and holiday when gratitude becomes top of mind.  Much study has shown that the more we focus on that which we are grateful for the better off we are, but we also know the challenge of that when life gets hectic.  This year, and this growing season in particular, has […]

Sharing the Farm: In person & Virtually!

We hope you can join us on the farm for our Community Farm Day to enjoy the farm ecosystem and community! RSVPs encouraged. No dogs please. What: During our Community Farm Day there will be tours and tastings, demos and dialogue, sensory walks and stimulating talks, recipe cards and conversations while preparing food together, along […]

August = Agritourism

Governor Scott has declared that August 2022 is Agritourism month drawing attention to this week’s Vermont Open Farm week as well as the upcoming global agritourism gathering in Burlington. We are excited to welcome folks from near and far here at the farm and to be part of these statewide and global efforts! As we […]

International Workshop on Agritourism in Vermont

We were thrilled to be a part of welcoming folks from around the world to experience Agritourism in Vermont!

Summer Farm Views

Summer is in full swing….. And with the recent rain, it seems the farmers and the plants & animals are breathing a little sigh of relief (and growing!). The growing season is that crazy time where there never seems to be enough hours in the day, but the lushness of our fields & forests is […]

Sweet Peas & Piglets

Come enjoy sweet snap peas as well as meeting sweet pea, the spotted tiny piglet and his littermates! What a combo! Celebrate Summer & Solstice with Wednesdays on the Farm: This week Peas & Piglets, feasts for so many senses! Our last litters of piglets were due June 19/20 to some new gilts becoming sows […]