Whereas nature is dancing toward the quiet tones of late fall and winter, our hoop houses harbor stockpile of greens to keep all our plates full of fresh green vibrancy. And our various storage systems enable us to tuck in the full color spectrum (marinara, pumpkins, squash, tomatillo sauce, pickles, currants, elderberries), squirreling it away […]
June 8, 2020 – 4:22 pm
Uno helped us find a moment for reflection as our nation and world struggle to create justice, peace and health.
Thanks (Farm) Moms!
May 10, 2020 – 10:16 am
Watching our young animals with their sows, does, or hens over the years always makes us extra appreciative of all that mothers do around the world and across species to keep us all going. Here are a few photos reminding us of all that the maternal side offers our world from this past week….and past […]
We will GROW through this
April 5, 2020 – 3:06 pm
Spring is advancing and our farm team is doing all we can to exploit the sun’s increasing available hours. Still, on the chilly and gray days when April (snow) showers prevail, it increases the pandemic’s grip on mood and mind. But as Phil Scott and so many strong governors and medical leaders remind us daily, […]
New Shopping How-tos
March 19, 2020 – 9:05 am
In these unprecedented times, we are buoyed by both the incredible words and actions of support from all of you as well as the increased interest in local food. While we know we have the much easier and safer job producing and delivering food from a small regenerative farm compared to all of the healthcare […]
Providing and Nourishing while we all #Flattenthecurve
March 14, 2020 – 8:49 am
Our farm community is small and a beautiful result is that when we write this note we see YOUR face! It brings us so much joy and wholeness to provision folks whose nourishment goals are known to us. Your stories help shape and reinforce our practices. Simultaneously we appreciate your solidarity with our farm and […]
March=Spring in the Hoophouse
March 5, 2020 – 3:24 pm
Ok, there may still be two feet of snow on the ground outside, but Spring has clearly arrived in the hoophouse. Here is the proof – transplanting! Some images from Darienne as she and other farmers made way from some older spinach plants and transplanted some youngsters into the hoophouse! The season of lots of […]
Sharing Love & Gratitude
February 13, 2020 – 9:39 am
Love, the word of the week given Valentines Day is approaching. Love figures prominently and broadly around here. Truly it is a bit foundational to why we do what we do, why we farm how we farm. Our love for great, healthy, clean food Our love for the natural environment Our love for the livestock […]
Rocking Seychelles
February 1, 2020 – 8:10 pm
That would be the Seychelles, our hens, are rocking their egg laying despite these short days. We thought they deserved not only a little gratitude and moment of glory but perhaps a proper introduction. Name: SeychellesWhy? The 2019 naming scheme was Countries. When people were suggesting country names, the Seychelles came forward earlier, and we […]
Living History
January 17, 2020 – 9:47 am
We were glad to add our voices to the excellent testimony and vibrant buzz at the State House Wednesday, rallying stakeholders to support legislators to get behind a proposed $500,000 of additional tourism investment. This infographic overview of VT tourism presents the overall status. We are grateful for the formation of a dynamic new alliance […]