Author Archives: Laura

At the Farmstand: Dec 12-17

Happy December! It is certainly wintry, but our farmstand is stocked to provide delicious, local food for your winter and holiday meals. Enjoy all the local eating goodness from our farm, Field Stone Farm, Greenfield Highland Beef, Last Resort Farm, Brookfield Bees, Honeywilya Fish and Artesano! Fresh Pizzas this week: Tomato Cheese, Garlic Feta Pine Nut, Spinach Walnut […]

Finding Gratitude

Gratitude is a renewable resource and there is SO much to be grateful for, but it is often difficult to hold ourselves in that space. A blessing of this holiday season, is that it tends to pull us all back to those basics. As we finish matching our pastured turkeys with the folks they’ll feed […]

At the Farmstand: Nov 21-30

Happy Thanksgiving to All! Our farmstand is stocked to provide delicious, local food for your holiday meal as well as all the moments in between. Thank you for making our farm and other local farms part of not only your holiday meal, but also your meals every week of the year. This week at our […]

January in November?

Triage seems overly dramatic. Squirreling away too proactive and everyday. How to describe the stimulating challenge of bringing everyone and everything in out of winter’s way? Did our ancestors read the skies and feel the press and know to scurry? Our team, like all sorts of folks who work outside, triangulated weather apps during lunch. […]

At the Farmstand: Nov 14 -20

Holy Deep Winter…. Well, at least that is what it feels like.  Thanks to some very busy, long days the farmstand and walk-in are chock full of goodness that had still been in the field last week!  All safe & ready to enjoy despite the sudden snow and single digit temperatures. Now onto some of […]

Pumpkin & Bacon Soup

Pumpkins…so many options from pie to pancakes/waffles and biscuits to soup.  This recipe is from one of our favorite books, Jennifer McLagan’s Fat: Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient We have two heirloom pumpkin varities this year that vie for best cooking pumpkin status: Winter Luxury (gorgeous with flesh that is smooth, sweet, and fiber-free) & […]

At the Farmstand: Oct 31-Nov 6

Hello November??!! Well, it does mean the season for slow cooking, roasting, soups and so much other goodness. And we have stewing hens  back to kick off the delicious soup/stew season. This week at our Farmstand you can find: • Eggs* Fresh/Stored Veggies • Beets (Field Stone Farm) • Black Currants, frozen • Bok Choy […]

Chickens: What is the difference between fryers, broilers and stewers?

We have now have a variety of chicken in the farmstand so here is a quick cheat sheet.  What is the difference between fryers, broilers, roasters and stew birds? Stewing Chickens—the easy one. Stew birds are usually laying hens that have passed their prime. They are older and their meat can be tougher, but more […]

Seasonal Transitions

Yes, that is the nice tidy phrase for lots of work on our farm! September was generously sunny and warm, making some of the work a bit easier, but still long, hard and did we mention heavy! And October has brought all sorts of weather (though no snow yet!). We have been plugging away to […]

At the Farmstand: Oct 24-30

Fall eating…yum!  New stuff is coming in from the fields and our friends regularly for great eating. And the Seychelles, our young hens, are laying VIGOROUSLY now so no more egg limitations, eat up and enjoy! This week at our Farmstand you can find: • Eggs* (plentiful) Fresh/Stored Veggies • Beets (Field Stone Farm) • […]