Summer is in full swing…..

And with the recent rain, it seems the farmers and the plants & animals are breathing a little sigh of relief (and growing!).

The growing season is that crazy time where there never seems to be enough hours in the day, but the lushness of our fields & forests is just amazing.

It is hard to believe but the turkeys are getting so big…big enough that we are planning on processing them in early to mid- August! So get your knives sharpened if you want to cut some up for your freezer this winter and we are offering a discount if you take your holiday bird home fresh to stash it away in your freezer! These turkeys have been perhaps our easiest group yet and they have been loving roaming the pastures and even did an important stint in part of our apple, pear & hazelnut orchard!

We do have some August events planned, both as part of Open Farm Week (August 8-15) and as a part of our Orchard focus this year. All on Wednesdays to coincide with order pick-ups. We hope you’ll join us to thrill a variety of your senses!

Of course an important note of gratitude to our partner Hannah Blackmer of Field Stone Farm who is keeping the farmstand stocked with a range of fresh veggies while we tend livestock, orchard, and some key crops..yes the potatoes are looking glorious!