Author Archives: Laura

At the Farmstand: Oct 3-9

The weather and calendar have turned decidely fall-like.  The good news is that some summer veg is still holding on, but the fall treats are also rolling in, though some are still growing or curing. Tomatoes are coming to an end and this is the last week for basil, making way for winter greens, so […]

At the Farmstand: September 26- Oct 1

Some summer veg is still holding on, but the fall treats are also rolling in, though some are still growing or curing. Tomatoes are coming to an end as is the basil, making way for winter greens, so enjoy them while you can! This week at our Farmstand you can find: • Eggs (members only) […]

At the Farmstand: September 12-18

Veggies, fruit, meats, oh my!  So many choices.  Perhaps best to focus on the ephemeral ones….but hard to not start enjoying those root veggies too. Some special offers & treats this week: Fresh cider!  Yep, from our organically managed trees and their gorgeous and nutritious fruit! Available Thursday Basil & Cilantro are PLENTIFUL, this is […]

Apples, Pears & Pollinators

So for weeks we have been remarking about the apple and pear crops on the farm. It is a good year overall in Vermont we believe and our orchard care and nutrition efforts are also closer to on target! Recently, as we started picking apples at the Duchess of Oldenburg tree, we found a remarkable […]

At the Farmstand: September 5-11

September eating is some of the best.  Enjoy all the freshness while we store some away for winter! And basil & Cilantro are PLENTIFUL to go with those fresh veggies! This week at our Farmstand you can find: • Eggs Fresh/Stored Veggies • Baby Beets (Field Stone Farm) • Black Currants, frozen • Broccoli (both […]

Napa Cabbage Salad

It is the season for the freshest version of this salad!  Sometimes a Napa Cabbage can be a bit overwhelming…but just peel it down a bit and chop it up and it has the delightful crunch of romaine lettuce but some of that lovely Napa flavor.  This is a great cabbage raw or cooked…for this […]

Farmers, Chefs & Mixologists

We are having so much fun hosting Chef Lee Duberman and Mixologist Richard Fink (of Ariel’s Restaurant fame) at the farm. Sauce preparations, marinades, ferments and so much more are underway! The colors, aromas, textures and flow of gratitude has been inspiring (ok and perhaps a smidge exhausting). Thanks to Lee’s creativity more than 50 […]

At the Farmstand: Aug 22-27

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, and lots to go with your Summer tomatoes. Other Highlights this week:  Fresh Celery while it lasts from Field Stone (wow!), summer Cabbage, cukes, green beans, Zucchini, herbs, fresh onions, peppers, salad mix and so much more!  A new offer, organic dried beans from Morningstar Farm in Glover, perfect addition to summer tacos! […]

Kicking off Open Farm Week with Vermont’s Governor

Our deep thanks to Governor Phil Scott and Secretary Anson Tebbetts and their team at the Vermont Agency of Agriculture for their commitment to not only Vermont Farms, but Vermont’s agri-tourism potential. We were thrilled to show the Governor our approach to ecological and regenerative farming that supports improved water quality, creates healthy food for Vermonters and visitors […]

At the Farmstand: Aug 13-20

Summer abundance has arrived, eat away and enjoy! Highlights this week:  Lots of Tomatoes, summer Cabbage, cukes, green beans, Zucchini, salad mix and so much more! In addition to our 2019 chickens, we have chicken parts, perfect for the grill or a quick meal. And we’ll have fresh ready to eat options in the farmstand […]