Sautéed Chive or Scallion Flowers

scallion blossoms cooking in skillet
No title will quite give it justice, but these are allium treasures.  Lightly sautéed and they become an amazing topping for meats, salads, burgers, sandwiches, toast….really let your imagination go. Mari has been treating us to these to spice up our lunches!





scallion blossoms

  • Chive or Scallion blossoms – as many as you want to eat
  • Fat of your choice, tastier the fat, tastier the dish (Think roasted chicken fat, lard, remant fat from cooking chorizo or bacon…or butter will do)
  • Salt & Pepper





Heat/melt fat in your choice of skillet.  Break apart the chive or Scallion blossoms into the hot fat.  Sautée for a few minutes. Season with salt and pepper.  Serve atop meats, eggs, salads or soups or put in a bowl to dress up whatever you are eating.

Scallion blossoms in the pan from Green Mountain Girls Farm on Vimeo.