The season has turned from too dry to good and wet! The heirloom tomatoes are growing like crazy and have had their first pruning. A large kale harvest has made way for sweet potatoes. The goats are moving through grass quickly and the 24 piglets, still unnamed have taken on that half tank and half sausage look! The Dixie Chicks are ready to face the wilds with the support of their “weasel wagon”.
A huge compost pile is heating up with all the chervil, early season weeds and the contents of one barn’s bedded pack, while we ready to take out the second. Someplace along the lines we harvested and made lunch with the Northfield High School’s Food Systems class, did the salsa treasure hunt with Hannah Morvan’s 1st grade class, hosted a journalist writing an agritourism story, Emerson College’s Acappellics Anonymous for lattes and a video creation and our insurance company’s safety inspector and the last goat kids were born, B.B & King! The busy blur is disorienting.
We know this is the common experience of our time and hope you can pop by to the farmstand and take time out for a cold glass of goat milk and bring home some great food grown on this clean land to nourish you with all the power of the sun and goodness of Vermont’s verdant hills.