Author Archives: Laura

Available from Farm: May 25-30

Ah, we are feeling the whims of the weather.  Freeze & Snow a few weeks ago and now a heatwave…keeping us on our toes. Big spinach week and some other treats starting to come in while we finish off some of our storage items. And the fresh herbs are lovely!  Add them to salads, make […]

Available from Farm: May 17-22

Spring sun and warmth seem to be settling in (perhaps I shouldn’t write this) and the plants are happy.  Plenty of good fresh, stored and frozen eating from the farm.  The new online farmstand is running well.  Let us know if you have any troubles or questions as it is a learning curve for us […]

Thanks (Farm) Moms!

Watching our young animals with their sows, does, or hens over the years always makes us extra appreciative of all that mothers do around the world and across species to keep us all going. Here are a few photos reminding us of all that the maternal side offers our world from this past week….and past […]

Available from Farm: May 10-16

Happy Mother’s Day!?!?! Nothing like May snowstorms & arctic cold… add some challenge to the early season.  It is at these moments we are grateful for our hoophouses and for our inclination to not push the season to aggressively.  That said, we did cover the teeny onion seedlings that went into the field earlier this […]

Available from Farm: May 4-8

Welcome May!  The bit more warmth and sun is helping the greens move forward, so there is plentiful salad mix this week and a good bit of chard & spinach, more kal-sparagus and plentiful herbs as well as some kale (less than other things, but we do have some lacinato kale frozen).    Check out […]

Stronger Together

The work of staying healthy in community Food crops get viruses also, as well as bacterial and fungal infections. Often insect pressures on plants piggy back on such stressors, along with nutritional imbalances. Chemical agriculture attempts to cheat these forces with fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Their positive impacts are short lived and myriad negative […]

Available from Farm: April 27- May 1

Ah..April Sun, Rain & Snow!  Keeping us on our toes.  We have a nice mix of fresh greens this week, but we need a bit more sun and warmth for them to totally take off.  But we also still have lots of frozen kale & spinach for those recipes where you’ll cook it anyway!  Check […]

Origin of “Don’t Eat Like a Pig”

Perhaps with folks spending more time at home, eating even more meals together, the phrase, “Don’t Eat Like a Pig” has been repeated more often. There are many disparaging sayings that reference pigs, some I believe are unwarranted. And for years of raising pigs, I even thought this one was a bit overstated. Then came […]

Available from Farm: April 21-24

Mid-April!  While the snow has cleared from the fields, and our hoophouses are full of amazing colors, it is still only mid-April.  This means all of our fresh greens are coming ONLY from our 2 hoophouses, and as you’ve all noticed it has been a cold early April so while the plants are doing great, […]

Available from Farm: April 12-17

We are settling into this new world of packing orders for everyone and have updated our order and delivery process. Check out order, pick-up and delivery details. Seasonal highlight of the week…the begining of the Kale-sparagus, truly one of the Spring ephemerals. We hope to roll out in the next week (?), a web order […]