Farmers, Chefs & Mixologists

We are having so much fun hosting Chef Lee Duberman and Mixologist Richard Fink (of Ariel’s Restaurant fame) at the farm. Sauce preparations, marinades, ferments and so much more are underway!

The colors, aromas, textures and flow of gratitude has been inspiring (ok and perhaps a smidge exhausting).

Thanks to Lee’s creativity more than 50 ingredients are from our farm (lard to hazelnuts!)

And a great pleasure to fill in as needed from other wonderful local producers including Field Stone FarmArtesanoRed Hen Baking Co.Nitty Gritty GrainsRogers FarmsteadStrafford Organic CreameryCarrier Roasting Co., Snow Farm Vineyard, North Branch Vineyards, Butterworks Farm, Brookfield Bees, Dog River Farm and more!

Friends and dynamic duo Chef Lee Duberman and Renaissance Mixologist Richard Fink have returned to Vermont to create hyper-local dishes and drinks highlighting possibilities, honing our collective crafts and sparking our creativity of what we all can do with of August’s abundance! How much we have already learned, like Zucchini Guacamole…yep, on the menu tomorrow night!

Whereas many a farm-to-table event measure food miles, these table-at-farm events read more like a “Fitbit”, as in steps taken between where the produce and livestock grew and are to be enjoyed. The farmers, chef & mixologist have been collarborating and we look forward to engaging guests into the mix to enjoy each other in the celebratory atmosphere of growing the regenerative farming and eating movement.

As we thought about how to celebrate the farm’s 10th Anniversary, a collarboration with Lee & Richard, who were early mentors, supporters and collaborators when they owned the beloved Ariel’s Restaurant at Brookfield’s Floating Bridge, seemed like a perfect compliment. We are thrilled to be partnering with them once again and to experience their new inspirations since moving to Mexico and running Casa Papaya.

Rather than question society’s lenience in letting the cultural, ecological, nutritional and spiritual significance of small farms and traditional real food reach the brink of extinction, let’s imagine together how we can farm and eat our way to enhanced ecosystem functioning as well as improved health, well-being and economies. Deliciousness will drive the success of the regenerative age!

And as all who know Richard and Lee will attest, laughter, humor and creativity have been part of the week thus far.

We hope many are able to enjoy a good farm soak for an afternoon or evening with us and them as an investment in yourself, our community and planet.