Farmstay guests finding joy while trimming crops to bring to our pastured pigs
Agritourism leaders gathered with the broader Tourism sector at the Statehouse this week to offer legislators perspective as they consider related legislation as well as Vermont’s tourism potential. We are grateful to Hilary, Lisa, Vera, Tara and all intrepid leaders of the Agritourism Task Force who were at the statehouse as part of Vermont’s first “Tourism Day”.
While we couldn’t be there we thought we’d chime in over the wires, reinforcing the Tourism Day dialogue with our own echo from the hills!
Because our e-news community may be interested in our perspective, we are publishing our note to legislators here.
An Open Letter to our Legislators,
First, thanks to all your good spirited efforts to keep Vermont’s working lands vibrant and natural assets whole. These dual statewide assets are the authenticity which distinguishes and elevates Vermont’s brand and compel traditional and emerging tourist populations to visit Vermont.
Ten years into offering agritourism at Green Mountain Girls Farm, Laura and I remain optimistic. We see a future within which Vermont persists as a global geotourism leader and as a place where farms succeed by working with natural cycles, providing healthy food and creating stronger rural communities.
Our business needs the rich culture of Vermont’s working landscape and our verdant ecosystems. We practice regenerative agriculture, growing food in ways that capture the greatest potential of the sun, rain and natural systems. We open our farm, at the top of the Winooski watershed, to tourists.

Farmstay guests indulging piglets in belly rubs
This income enables us to invest in farming practices which not only grow clean, delicious and nutrient dense food but also enhance soil life and ecosystem services. In return our guests, primarily individuals and families prioritizing wellness and who want their food and tourism choices to support social and ecological health, satiate their senses, satisfy their quest for connection and deepen their appreciation for Vermont.

Farmstay guests from London picking beans (their first time ever) for dinner in the 3 Sisters garden
Small, diverse ecological hill-farms like ours have struggled with viability for decades but the global syndemic of obesity, undernourishment and chronic disease together with climate change create a timely opportunity for us to meet emerging needs.

Tour guests from New Jersey enjoying edible flowers
Statewide, geotourism (tourism that sustains or enhances the geographical character of a place—its environment, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being of its residents) and regenerative agriculture together create a niche with breakthrough potential.
Nationally, private sector thought leaders like Patagonia are seizing this moment of opportunity and are boldly expanding into food and supporting organic regenerative agriculture.
Closer to home and back in time, following World War II, a 10th Mountain Division veteran from New Jersey named Erling Omland met Connie Burke, a bank secretary from Rutland, while skinning up Pico’s Sunset Schuss. They married and were part of a dynamic community that supported Pico’s evolution, including the famous T-bar, North America’s first alpine ski lift.
In the decades since we all have experienced Vermont’s quantum leap in tourism associated with snow sports.
With increasing interest in culinary tourism, wellness and rural get-aways this feels like agritourism’s time to make its own quantum leap. What private company would have our amazing natural, cultural and recreational assets and be investing so little in marketing them?
Please consider this breakthrough potential as you deliberate current budgets and legislation. We hope to see you on farm or at the Farmers Market.
With best wishes for your good work,
Mari Omland, Green Mountain Girls Farm
Northfield, Vermont
PS If you haven’t been on a tour at our Farm, Guys Farm & Yard and UVM Students both have captured the essence of our farm in these short videos.
Guy’s Farm and Yard – Green Mountain Girls from Mt Mansfield Media on Vimeo.
Green Mountain Girls Farm: Short Documentary from Pete & TJ Productions on Vimeo.