Mulching…with bigger tools

So, we had some frustration, satisfaction, laughs and hope as we used a hay mulcher to tuck in all of the brassicas.  The frustration, new tool, how to blow hay over young plants without hurting them.  Satisfaction as it all got mulched beautifully.  Laughs, well look at the photos.  And hope that this will mean little to no weeding in this zone this summer.   Here’s hoping.

Upper Terrace Before

Upper Terrace Before




plants protected from hay spray

plants protected from hay spray

untucking the plants

untucking the plants


Yes, whole hay bales got chopped up and sprayed through the tube and became a nice 4-6 inch layer of mulch!

sophie helping load bales into mulcher

sophie helping load bales into mulcher

spraying hay mulch

spraying hay mulch