Sometimes what one thinks is a small(ish) project is really a solid step towards something bigger, which also means it takes many hands, tools, vehicles & …t-i-m-e! Thanks to all our teammates, partners & contractors who helped us close this chapter of pasture improvement in the past 2 weeks, expanding where great forage can grow […]
Browse by Tag: farmers
Seasonal Transitions
October 12, 2020 – 9:28 am
Whereas nature is dancing toward the quiet tones of late fall and winter, our hoop houses harbor stockpile of greens to keep all our plates full of fresh green vibrancy. And our various storage systems enable us to tuck in the full color spectrum (marinara, pumpkins, squash, tomatillo sauce, pickles, currants, elderberries), squirreling it away […]
Thanks be to the Sugar Makers
April 10, 2018 – 11:46 am
Art, Nature and Farmer Emeriti Gossip
March 28, 2012 – 11:06 am
Vincent van Gogh apparently said “Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art and more.” As the crowd delighted in the great acts and delicious food (thanks Lee) at the Compost Cabaret – true mastery, I marveled that the inverse must also be true. So much energy and talent […]