Browse by Tag: farmers

Pasture Improvement…

Sometimes what one thinks is a small(ish) project is really a solid step towards something bigger, which also means it takes many hands, tools, vehicles & …t-i-m-e! Thanks to all our teammates, partners & contractors who helped us close this chapter of pasture improvement in the past 2 weeks, expanding where great forage can grow […]

Gratitude & Hope for a Regenerative Future

Gratitude is a piece of our Regenerative Farming and there is SO much to be grateful for despite the challenges the world faces. A blessing of seasonal shifts, holiday seasons and winter breaks is they pull us back to those basics and the awe provided by nature. As we finish packing Thanksgiving and stock-up orders […]

Seasonal Transitions

Whereas nature is dancing toward the quiet tones of late fall and winter, our hoop houses harbor stockpile of greens to keep all our plates full of fresh green vibrancy. And our various storage systems enable us to tuck in the full color spectrum (marinara, pumpkins, squash, tomatillo sauce, pickles, currants, elderberries), squirreling it away […]

Finding Gratitude

Gratitude is a renewable resource and there is SO much to be grateful for, but it is often difficult to hold ourselves in that space. A blessing of this holiday season, is that it tends to pull us all back to those basics. As we finish matching our pastured turkeys with the folks they’ll feed […]

Thanks be to the Sugar Makers

That is to the Maple Sugar Makers.  Sugaring season is sometimes short, sometimes long, always weather dependent and such a clear marker of the transition between Winter and Spring.  We are both thankful to not have good maples on our property to tap and for all those near us that do!         […]

Women’s (including farmers) History Month

March is Women’s History Month and Vermont’s Agency of Agriculture took the opportunity to recognize all of the large number of women farmers in our state…including us!   Almost a quarter of Vermont’s farm owners/managers are women, notably more than the national average. Vermont’s Secretary of Agriculture, Anson Tebbetts said, “Women play a critical role […]

Appreciating Carrie

  Carrie arrives quietly on Thursdays, checks in at the chore board and begins chipping away ensuring all have fresh water and good eats.  This can mean moving fence for fresh pasture and browse as well as lugging grain bags, hay and water.  Next, typically, is milking the does, replete with all the intimacy appertaining […]

Appreciating Melissa

Four short months ago Melissa launched her apprenticeship with excitement and a small moment of embarrassment.  Her curiosity focused most sharply on starting veggies (she’d had significant later season exposure) and on all aspects of caring for milking goats. The blush came in the interview as Liva said “you must know my dad”. Indeed not […]

Art, Nature and Farmer Emeriti Gossip

Vincent van Gogh apparently said “Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art and more.” As the crowd delighted in the great acts and delicious food (thanks Lee) at the Compost Cabaret – true mastery, I marveled that the inverse must also be true. So much energy and talent […]

Celebrating talent that springs from this soil

Tender morsels of wisdom and assistance have come from seasoned neighbors and community members throughout our startup. Thanks. And we need more — so please keep the good advice and feedback coming! This week’s newspaper insert celebrating UVM Extension’s Centennial, uses our farm as an illustrative example of Vermont’s Next Generation of Growers. And we […]