Embracing THIS Vermont Spring?

As farmers we have somehow learned to work with and around the weather.  We obsess over the weather, truly, and sometimes wish, hope and even plead for certain circumstances, though we know it is one of the many things over which we have no control.  This winter has tried the patience and systems of many, and I don’t think we are off that list.   But this past week we have tried to embrace the various different moments in front of us for what they are good for…a few highlights.

a warmer, drier day for another round of hoof work with Hannah – Uno supervised, of course.











Goat kids were soaking up the sun, getting their Vitamin D along with exploring the various places where they could stand, jump and leap.

goat kids climbing









Taking advantage of a bit of melting, yet still snow cover to pull out some downed saplings for browse for the goats

goats on winter browse








Catching up on some office, admin & financial tracking as windy, grey snowy days came back

snowy morning










With ground still covered, taking some time with the young and pregnant to keep their bedding in good shape

panorama in barn animals








Embracing the fresh few inches of powdery snow for a ski (sticky though it was) in the woods

woods ski tips and uno










Delighting in the food from our farm and partner farms exhibited by our black currant blueberry pancakes made with butterworks & Rogers Farmstead wheat and topped with Butterworks yogurt & Brookfield Bees syrup and a side of our pasture-raised ham!

black currant pancakes with ham










May you find joy somewhere amidst the snow, mud, rain, ice, sun!