Health per Acre – Dr. Vandana Shiva

Last weekend Vermont’s Northeast Organic Farmers (NOFA-VT) conference delivered dynamic keynote speakers. We traveled to UVM excited to hear the lauded Dr. Vandana Shiva.  What a treat, in this time of global uncertainty and contention, to listen to her wisdom about our shared future.

shiva health per acre with photo

She focused on the true purpose of farming, which in her mind is providing nutrition and health.  She takes serious issue with industrial agriculture’s obsession with yield (volume) per acre, noting,

“If food is nourishment, then health and nutrition per acre, is what we should be measuring.”  With passion for the power of small farms she said, “Small, organic farms grow health.”

Asia Week has called Dr. Shiva one of the five most effective communicators in Asia, and Forbes named her one of the most 7 influential women in the world.  After listening to her concise, yet powerful talk, I understand why. It was inspiring, just what farmers, eaters and residents of this planet need this February.  It is truly worth a listen.