Broccoli Salad with Bacon

Broccoli salad recipe adapted from a similar recipe in Eating Well Magazine

We have used this recipe at the Farm Dinners, but Donna did one recently that was more vinagrette based and used part olive oil and part bacon fat for the dressing.  Delish!

1 clove garlic, minced

1/4 cup local yogurt

1/4 cup bacon mayonnaise (From Jennifer McLagan’s Fat, also makes a perfect BLT)

2 teaspoons cider vinegar

1 teaspoon maple syrup

4 cups finely chopped broccoli crowns

3 slices cooked bacon, crumbled

2 tablespoons dried black currants

Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Whisk garlic, mayonnaise, yogurt, vinegar and syrup in a large bowl. Add broccoli, bacon, currents and pepper; stir to coat with the dressing.