February… Catching up?

Ah February….

It is that month where we still feel like we have time for planning, reflection, reading, catching up and rest, but yet there is a bit of tension to get that planning done as March and its kidding and seed starting season are just around the corner.   At the farm we have been trying to do all of those things…perhaps with an emphasis on trying as we also fit in livestock and plant care and visiting guests and meetings during this very cold winter.

three sows burrowing pigs

sows burrowing on an arctic morning

A few highlights from the past few weeks! 

  • At least one sow is definitely pregnant — Jemima should deliver the first piglets in mid-May.  In the next week we will know if our latest attempts at matching Lamborghini in a tube with Amelia & Ramona worked…
  •  Many of the Does are getting very wide and kidding dates are fast approaching!  We will need a naming scheme for 2015!  Start any ideas coming!
  • We have gotten a chance to dig more into our soil health and nutrient management practices and with the latest focus on the health of Lake Champlain and agriculture’s impact, we are thrilled to have our strong grazing, cover cropping and overall ecological footprint.
  • Also have gotten to read a few good articles…thanks to a bit of downtime and Twitter, who knew!   A few favorites…

How can we get America Cooking? One Crumb at a Time  

Vitamins hide the low quality of our food…well not our farm’s food, but processed food!

  • Wonderful new fans of the farm in the form of families from New York that enjoyed some long weekends of our local food, farm experiences, snow and cold too!


Now back to that backlog of office work and planning for the next growing season while we still have the hope of getting ahead!