Appreciating Melissa

Four short months ago Melissa launched her apprenticeship with excitement and a small moment of embarrassment.  Her curiosity focused most sharply on starting veggies (she’d had significant later season exposure) and on all aspects of caring for milking goats. The blush came in the interview as Liva said “you must know my dad”. Indeed not only had Melissa taken classes from from Professor Coe at UC Santa Cruz, she had prepared to do a Thesis with him!



Instead here at the farm Liva was primary advisor and Melissa made significant contributions to a successful Spring of planting, staying on top of our weed management plan, early harvest, lots of patient milking sessions and a broad spectrum of animal care.

So many great memories… Melissa in her broad-rimmed woven hat tilted back weeding, pruning, transplanting, laughing.  Polenta pizza for farmer lunch.  Endless waiting for kids and chats about fat, bones and broth.  Chiefing the jar committee, sweet talking Jenga, being a great buddy to fella apprentice Lauren and teammate to us all.  Great job and thanks Melissa! Keep on celebrating and growing local food and best wishes as you continue to cultivate your intentional path.