Checking in on Quality

Satisfaction Guarantee

Recently customers asked us about some light brown discoloration in the flesh of some of our

One of the potatoes with vascular discoloration

potatoes. This caused us concern and initiated research to understand the cause and implications of the observed imperfections.  We also see it as an opportunity – to create a policy so we all (farmers/sellers and eaters/buyers) know what to do in such situations.

We aim to not only satisfy our customers.  We aim to delight. So if you ever have concern about a product you purchase from our farm we are eager to hear about it. And if you are not satisfied with a purchase we will, as policy, do the following:

  1. Refund your money for that product or replace it with other farm product (your choice),
  2.  Offer our gratitude for your feedback and apologize for any impact on you, and
  3. Request that you assist us in understanding the situation. If you are willing we would like to be able to enlist you in helping us resolve the situation via conversation, saving a product sample, etc.

We want to turn this into a sign in the farmstand and a note on our website so let us know if we are missing some action or nuance that can make this clearer, fairer or better in any way!


Now onto the question – are these spuds duds?

Liva’s review of the situation with experts reveals good news. While some of the 2011 season’s potatoes are cosmetically challenged, they are fine for eating and their condition should not worsen in storage.  The condition is known as vascular discoloration which can result from a number of stresses to the plant, ranging from diseases to physical damage.

Due to significant presence of late blight in our tomatoes at the end of the season we followed the best practice of cutting the plants and left the potatoes in the ground to cure, waiting to dig them out after a killing frost. This along with other stresses of the season likely is the cause.

We hope this information is helpful to you. And we are most interested to learn how this or anything we do could be better.


The Farm’s “Complex Bottom-line” 

For anyone interested, we use a matrix to define and monitor the blend of values we aim to create. Our complex bottom line to which we manage our business holds five core values and the one relevant to today’s exploration is outlined below fyi.