Wet, wet, wet

As some of Vermont’s best farmland sits underwater, we are feeling lucky to be tucked high in the hills. Here we are set back by the very late and very wet Spring but the gorgeous weekend days provided just enough drying to enable the tractor to convert two new gardens and prepare the beds in the main garden.  Under Liva’s leadership our lucky onion and shallot starts were planted out in the gentle rain. See how handsome they are… visit “Alliumville,” this year’s garden space for the onion family just South of the hoop house. And if you would be interested in starting some yourself, we have a few extra.

Planting onions

While careful weather watching has allowed us to squeak by, reports from farms on the Intervale sound grim, with long growth crops like garlic likely ruined under the flood waters. The diverse “CSA” (community supported agriculture) farms are fortunate.  Hundreds of farm share members will miss garlic in their shares this summer, but the loss is distributed.

We have always speculated that a cash crop of tourists will be both flood and drought proof (though probably not mud-season proof).  Friday, we were thrilled to have the Norwich University bus arrive with spouses of the Trustees, just as our overnight guests departed.  We had a blast hosting, touring and making chevre with the gals and then served Lee Duberman’s (Ariels’ chef) recipe for goat cheese soufflés. In the same week we welcomed some new Omnivore Farm Share Members – welcome! Sometimes community supported agriculture means absorbing risk.  Take a second today to absorb the hope and pride that this experiment that you are invested in (with your shopping dollars, great coaching and ideas, etc.) is succeeding.